ICAR Swachhta Pakhwada Award Second Prize 2018

National Award for outstanding Efforts in Science and Technology Communication through print media including books and magazines (category B) instituted by DST, Govt. of India 2018
B Sasikumar
Karshaka Bharathi Award for farm journalism instituted by Govt. of Kerala 2018
B Sasikumar
Endeavour Fellowship instituted by Australian Govt 2018
D Prasath
DP Ghosh Young Scientist Award instituted by Horticultural Society of India 2018
D Prasath
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Science 2018
R Dinesh
ICAR award for Innovation and Research in Farm Machinery - National Academy of Sciences India 2018
E Jayasree
Ksheera Bandhu Award 2018
S Shanmugavel
Rajbhasha Sevi Samman by Bhasa Samanvaya Vedi 2018
Best Poster award 2016 (International meet on Doubling Farmers income through Horticulture)
P.Umadevi, M.Anandaraj, Johnson K George & Snathosh J Eapen
ICAR – Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Best Offical Language Magazine Award 2014-15
Best poster award 2016 (6th International conference on plant, Pathogens and People)
Rajbhasha Shield Award 2015
Partnership Award National Innovation Foundation - India 2015
Masloom Ki Mehak (Best official Language Magazine Award 2015
Rajbhsha Shield Award 2014
Dr. C.S.Venkataram Memorial Trust Award for lifetime achievement in plantation crops research 2014
M. Anandaraj & K. Nirmal Babu
Fellow of Indian Society for Spices
Jayasree E, D Prasath, Utpala Parthasarathy
Dr. JS Pruthi Best Paper Award 2013
TE Sheeja, C Sabeesh, OV Shabna, RS Shalini, B Krishnamoorthy
Rajbhsha Shield Award 2013