Around 3467 accessions are being maintained in the germplasm nursery at the ICAR-IISR, Experimental Farm, Peruvannamuzhi, Kozhikode, Kerala.
18 genotypes were characterized for pericarp thickness, dry recovery and biochemical constituents such as piperine, oleoresin, protein, phenols, reducing sugars and starch content in pericarp.
The PnLRR-RLP marker was derived during black pepper - Phytophthora interaction and 2-D barcodes were developed using the unique variability in the signal peptide and LRR domain.
The KAAS-KEGG analysis identified 17 important secondary metabolite pathways from the berry transcriptome. Drip fertigation schedules for three varieties (IISR Thevam, Girimunda and Shakthi) were standardized for yield and quality.
Package for enhancing sustainability of black pepper in coconut based cropping system through site specific nutrient management was standardized.
Staining procedure for visualizing Phytophthora nuclei was standardized using SYBR green and propidium iodide dye.
A multiplex PCR assay was developed for simultaneous detection of Phytophthora, Pythium and Fusarium.
Green labelled insecticide, chlorantraniliprole was effective in controlling the pollu beetle (Lanka ramakrishnai) at 0.3 and 0.5 mLjL followed by flubendiamide and spinetoram.