- Black Pepper Feb-2009.pdf
- Black Pepper Oct-2008.pdf
- Bush Pepper Mar-2002.pdf
- Bush Pepper_Novel Way Oct-1990.pdf
- Calender of Operations Black Pepper Mar-2018.pdf
- High Production Technology in Black Pepper Apr-1990.pdf
- Highly Production technology in Black Pepper May-1992.pdf
- Package of Practicec for Pepper.pdf
- Package of Practices-Black Pepper Sep 1990.pdf
- Phytophthora foot rot of black pepper.pdf
- Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Slow Decline Disease of Black Pepper Nov-1994.pdf
- Rapid Multiplication of Black Papper Mar-2002.pdf
- Rapid Multiplication of Black Pepper Sep-1991.pdf
- Stuned and Phyllody Diseases of Black Pepper.pdf
- Tips on Control of Phytophthora Foot Rot and Slow Decline Diseases of Black Pepper.pdf
- Viral Disease and its Management in Black Pepper Jan-2013.pdf
- White Pepper Mar-2002.pdf